Monday, November 29, 2010

A Great Weekend

Thanksgiving has already come and gone.  It is hard to believe it is Christmas time again!  I remember this time last year, waiting on Afton to be born.  We were so excited!  She has already celebrated her first Thanksgiving with Daddy and Mommy and we are excited about her first Christmas!

Our Thanksgiving weekend was great.  Matt and I always look forward to extended holidays because he gets time off and time to spend with Afton and I.

Matt had finished tiling and grouting our back splash in the kitchen earlier in the week, so the big parts of the kitchen are finished!  We were both excited for a break from work and kitchen work and some great family time.

The kitchen project has been such a pain, little things just kept (and keep) happening that puts the little projects off.  Example, Matt was going to put the drawer pulls on but was waiting for the template to drill the holes in the drawers.  When we finally got the template, 2 weeks after ordering it, there were not holes spaced for our drawer pulls!  Then when the holes were drilled, the screws that came with the pulls were not long enough!  Sheesh!!!  It was just little things like that the whole time, that weren't really a big deal, but were so frustrating!

So Matt decided no major work on the kitchen the four days he was off for the holiday.  Thanksgiving day was spent playing, putting up Christmas decorations and cleaning the house.  We ate a late Thanksgiving dinner just the 3 of us-and stayed in our pajamas the whole day!  It was great!!  We put up two Christmas tress this year and Afton was very interested in the tree and boxes of decorations.

We also cooked Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen!  It was so wonderful being able to cook and not have to go to different parts of the house to find a utensil or silverwear or a pot.  I even had counters to help me!  (it is amazing what you appreciate after you don't have something for a while!)  It wasn't a huge dinner, but we enjoyed getting to eat together.

We had been debating whether to go to Albuquerque on Black Friday.  We didn't want to deal with the crazies, but we had a little shopping to do for Christmas.  We decided to go when we got up and got ready on Friday morning.  There wasn't anything that we needed a deal on, so we decided to go and have a relaxing day of shopping in ABQ.

We got to ABQ about 10:30, made a stop at Lowes and went to the mall for about 45 minutes.  It was still pretty crowded!  We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and went to Toys R Us to see if we could find any deals for Afton's christmas present.  I wanted to get her a little table and chair set for Christmas this year and we found the one I wanted at Toys R Us and it was the last one!  I was so excited.  We spent a little while in Barnes and Noble, looking at books, drinking Starbucks and letting Afton crawl around the Children's book section.  She loved it!  We had a great day in ABQ just spending time together.

Saturday was another lazy day.  Matt hooked up the pipes for the sink and dishwasher.  We got to do our first load of dirty dishes!  How excited were we?!  (me especially!)
Afton even got in on it.  It was hard to keep her from diving into the sink!
We had some new friends come up for dinner and we had a good time with them Saturday evening.

Sunday morning we went to church and came home to our pajamas (again!).  It snowed several times this weekend and was pretty cold, perfect weather to stay in the house and just be cozy together.

Over all we had a great weekend together.  We look forward to just family time and are quite selfish with it when we do have it!

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