Monday, August 23, 2010

New Week

Well it's Monday again.  I always hate Mondays because that means Matt has to go back to work.  It is really lonely in the house when he isn't here during the day.  Afton wakes up and looks for him-Daddy is silly in the mornings and she is looking for her morning entertainment.  I guess Mommy isn't that interesting.

We had a great weekend.  It started with a great evening Friday night.  I got my hair cut while Matt watched Afton, then we got dinner from Sonic and went to the park and had a picnic.  Afton got to sit in the grass and play in the dirt.  This was the first time she acted interested in the grass it was cute.

Saturday Matt worked on the kitchen (the never ending project).  We made our usual Saturday run to the dump to take a truck load of trash.  It is always a good time going to the dump, Afton usually takes a good nap and Mommy and Daddy go to DQ and get ice cream.  We decided to take a drive while we were eating our ice cream and drove to La Ventana.  The last time we were there, I was pregnant with Afton!  Weird!

Sunday we went to Sunday school.  Matt took Afton to her Cradle Roll Sunday School class and it was the first time that she realized that Daddy was not staying with her.  She wimpered a little, but Daddy made a quick exit.  It is great that our church has a class for her age.  It gives Matt and I a chance to go to Sunday School without trying to entertain her and listen at the same time.  AND I actually got to sit through a whole church service!  Afton had not taken a morning nap, so she was pooped and slept in the pew the whole service.  That has NEVER happened, but it was wonderful.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy listening to Matt Clark preach.  I usually don't get to hear the whole sermon!  We had a lunch of leftover spaghetti at home and relaxed at the house before we went to Afton's first birthday party.  Our Pastor's daughter, Chloe, invited Afton to her 7th birthday party.  They even made Afton a special party hat to wear!  I did not remember to take my camera : (  but Jana took a picture of her that I hope she will let me have!  The theme of the party was a Fashion Show-it was awesome!  The little girls got to decorate black t-shirts with ribbon, bows, flowers, glitter, etc and then at 4pm they put on a fashion show for all the adults!  It was great!!  I was so impressed with the party idea and cake that Jana did. I hope I can come up with good party ideas, this was a little girls dream!  We all had a great time-Matt and I got a kick out of watching the Fashion Show (and got a short glimpse at our future) while Afton watched everyone, played with balloons and was passed around by all the adults.

Over all it was a great weekend.  We are so blessed to get to spend time with each other and to have such an awesome church family!  I look forward to our weekends!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Again

A whole week has passed, and it seems to have flown by.  That usually doesn't happen.  Today was grocery shopping day.  As I was putting Afton in the buggy at Wally World, I smelled poo.  She was wearing a cute little one piece outfit today, so of course poop shot out of the leg of her diaper and ran down her leg.  I have no idea how it didn't get all over me.  So back out to the car I go, once again, I have no clue how I didn't get it all over me, but the seat of the car is a different story.  It cracks me up that babies could care less that they smell like poo, have poo run down their leg, and sit naked in the car with the door wide open.  Thankfully this was not one of those days that I forgot her diaper bag, other wise we would have been in trouble!  The rest of the shopping trip was uneventful.  I just happen to forget my reusable shopping bags and got in the lane of Derek, the very nice Walmart cashier that likes to double bag EVERYTHING.  So I have about 136 new bags to add to our collection.

In other interesting news, Afton is 7 months old today.  I need to take her picture to add to the Year Frame that she has.  Every month on her Month Birthday, I take her picture and add it to the frame that we got at our NC baby shower.  It is already almost half full.  I am so proud of my baby and how she is growing, but every time I add a picture to it I get a little sad.  I look at the pictures of her the last months and think about how fast time has flown.  I try not to dwell on her growing up and I try to enjoy every new day and every new thing she learns, so I put off putting the pictures in the frame for a little while to avoid the sadness.  : (

Just so I don't end this blog on a depressing note, today is Friday!  Which for Afton and I that means Daddy will be home for two whole days!  He will probably be working on the kitchen, but he will be home with us nonetheless.  Happy Weekend!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Weekend

Weekends have taken on a whole new meaning for me since I stopped "working".  Now that I stay home with Afton, I look forward to the weekend but with a new twist.  It isn't just a break from work anymore-it means family time.  I look forward to Matt being home for a whole day, not just a few hours in the evening.

Since the kitchen project started, weekends have seemed busy and they fly by even faster than normal.   I don't really do anything different, but Matt is tied up with a different kind of work.  Even though he is in the house, we still don't get to see him much.

So we were really looking forward to today... more family time and a trip to ABQ.  He worked all day yesterday on the kitchen and almost completed the wiring.  Of course some of the items we picked up on our last trip to ABQ had missing parts or were dented so we needed to get new lighting fixtures to replace those.  I also made an appointment to get family pictures done this morning thinking no one wants their pics made on a Sunday morning, so no waiting.  (yes, we missed church.  Unfortunately, something had to be sacrificed today)  After working until after 10 pm last night and a midnight call from work last night that accidentally went unanswered, we got up this morning early to get ready to go.  No it can never be that easy...  We thought Matt would have to go into work and miss our first family pictures.  After multiple calls, getting ready even though we didn't know if we were going or not, we headed out later than I thought we should.  I wanted to feed Afton before the pictures so she would be in a good mood.  She was cranky anyway from being woken up this morning.  We get to ABQ and she refused to eat.  No biggy.  We go into the portrait studio and had to wait for almost 45 minutes to get our pictures done.  Once they start we were only in there for 30 minutes tops and only got a few good pics.  To me a very disappointing portrait experience.  Then we rushed around ABQ at Lowes AND Home Depot to get home in case Matt had to go to work.  Thankfully he didn't, but I hate rushed trips to ABQ. Our trip really wasn't that relaxing today.

The good part is, even though we were rushed around, we did get to spend all day together, just the three of us.  We had good hamburgers for lunch, Afton had a good time watching everyone from her stroller, and we got Starbucks on the way home.  We even got a short family nap in this evening.  All in all, what more could I ask for?