Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This past Sunday, Matt and I gave Afton back to the Lord.  We had wanted to do it for a while, but it hadn't worked out before this past Sunday.  We were blessed to share it with Matt, Vail, and Mattea Woodard (Mattea is 2 months older than Afton) and the rest of our church family.

Pastor Matt (yes, there are that many Matts in our church and it is confusing) called us to the front, said a prayer over us, and then called the rest of the body to the front to surround our family and the Woodard family as we dedicated our lives to raising our children the way God wants us to.

When Matt and I were faced with the decision to move to New Mexico, we knew the move would challenge us in a lot of ways.  We would be moving away from our family and friends, from all we knew (and for Matt the only place he has ever called home).  One of our biggest worries was finding a new church home.

We visited the churches in town, but after my first service with Grants Church of Christ, I knew that we had found it.  I have never been in a church body that has shown more love and acceptance than Grants C of C.  God has blessed Matt and I so much in the short time that we have been together. The move to New Mexico was a huge act of faith on our part and finding the church was confirmation that we had followed God's Will.  If you know me, you know that it takes a while for me to open up to anyone, but being at this church I felt at home with all these people immediately.  (that is really saying something!!!)

We wish that our families could have been with us this past Sunday.  It is a huge comfort to know that even though our blood families live 2000 miles away, we have a group of people that have accepted us and loved us as their own and we could share with the them the joy of our daughter.

I don't feel like what I have written will ever adequately express the gratitude we have for these people.  They have truly become our family away from our family and have blessed us so much.  Matt and I are so grateful that we will have the support of this Body of Christ to raise Afton (and more children, if we are so blessed) in.

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